A Minnesotan opinador
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Augsburg Students Support the DREAM Act, Support Eachother
Today, as Student Body President of Augsburg College, I reaffirm that support. We have been waiting for this for years and today is the day. Whatever happens though we must remember that students of all walks of life have come together to support one another.
Today we demonstrate our support for our students throughout the nation. Today we, together, have achieved to bring this proposal all the way to the Senate, just closer to the President's desk for approval. Today we create a way for young people to fulfill their dreams, to be able to serve the country.
Ale, an Augsburg student and who has been in a hunger strike along other young people since last week, has put herself at peril for the rest of us. As another Augsburg student, all I can say is, "Go Auggies!." As a friend, Ale makes me and all those around her proud. As a young person, students like Ale energize us to keep going. As another human being, Ale and the other students driving to DC right now for the DREAM vote, only makes me think that we can all be better.
We need the DREAM Act. We need all beneficiaries here. Not are only students will benefit; the rest of the nation will benefit greatly as well. It must pass today.
In solidarity.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
DREAM Act passes House, Moves to Senate - Action Needed
Thursday, December 2, 2010
DREAM Act now!
Hi everyone - so there's a lot of frantic activity on the DREAM Act and it's been hard to keep up. Here's an update and action items that I hope are helpful:
The House will now likely vote first on the DREAM Act, as early as tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday. See article below for more info.
So PLEASE CALL YOUR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NOW and every day until they vote: Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and they'll connect you. The earliest vote will be tomorrow, the latest sometime next week.
It's been an extremely tough go in the senate, given the letter that Senate Republican sent pledging to block anything that comes up (see http://www.
If you want to go a step further, ask to speak with the "immigration staffer" when you call each office. You can also write a letter to the editor of your local paper (great resource for that at http://
In terms of versions of the bill, there have been many versions filed, but it's still unclear which version will be voted on in either the House or Senate. Once we know we'll send more info.
Please let me or your other national contacts know if you have questions or need anything - additional DREAM resources also listed and linked below.
THANK YOU for all your hard work on this - the message is getting out - we just have to keep up the pressure to push DREAM to the finish line! Please pass on this information to your networks -
these next few days will be critical to getting as many calls in as possible and making it just a bad idea for anyone to vote against DREAM!
Immigration & Refugee Policy Church World Service
DREAM Act Resources
General Resources
Background on the DREAM Act: Short introductory memo on the DREAM Act
DREAM Act Talking Points: Five reasons to support the DREAM Act
DREAM Act Resources by State: A state-by-state guide to the DREAM Act
DREAM Act Editorials: Newspapers from around the country voice their support for the DREAM Act
Analysis of Potential DREAM Act Beneficiaries: MPI report on the numbers of DREAM Act eligible people
Let Us Serve: Stories of DREAM Act eligible youth who are ready to serve in the Armed Forces
The DREAM Act and the Economy: IPC says the DREAM Act creates economic opportunities
The Economic Potential of DREAM Act Beneficiaries: A report from UCLA NAID on the economic potential of DREAM Act beneficiaries
Diversity of Support for the DREAM Act
Senator Durbin Supports the DREAM Act: Senator Durbin voices his support of the DREAM Act
Senator Lugar Supports the DREAM Act: Senator Lugar voices his support for the DREAM Act
Education Secretary Supports the DREAM Act: A letter from the Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, in support of the DREAM Act
Defense Secretary Supports the DREAM Act: A letter from the Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, in support of the DREAM Act
Military and National Security Leaders Support the DREAM Act: Leaders in the military voice their support for the DREAM Act
Passing the DREAM Act Would Benefit the Military: Members of military explain the importance of passing the DREAM Act
Conservatives Support the DREAM Act: Former IL Governor, President of Regent University, and others express support for the DREAM Act
Polling on the DREAM Act
Majority of Americans Support the DREAM Act: Poll finds that 70 percent of Americans support the DREAM Act
DREAM Act Enjoys Strong Support Across Party Lines: Majorities of Democrats, Republicans and Independents support the DREAM Act http://
Majority of Latino Voters Say Congress Must Pass the DREAM Act: Latino voters say it is important that Congress passes the DREAM Act soon http://
Spanish-Language Resources
DREAM Act Editorials and Articles: Spanish-language content on the DREAM Act
DREAM Act Talking Points in Spanish: 5 reasons to support the DREAM Act